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In the

In the



nials – from customers and successful agents. Craft a

customer profile AND a partner profile.

The funnel in sales has flipped. Instead of everything

being outbound in marketing, it is now inbound. Content

marketing is the new lead generation ingredient. That

means stories are in, in a big way.

If you are going to spam their email, do so with

something quick and eye catching like a short video

(recorded on your smartphone) about the last deal, an

excited partner or a happy customer. Give tips on how to

bundle your service into a complete solution.

With all of the platforms – Face-

book, email, LinkedIn, blogs, Snap-

chat, Instagram and others – it isn’t

like you can’t pick one social media

network and “own” it. You could. And

it would be more fun than what you

are doing now.

Many channel managers tell me

that they like to go with their part-

ners on sales calls. Tape segments

of one: a day in the lifestyle. Post it

to Instagram: wins and losses. Have

fun with it. It will help. Not immedi-

ately, but it will work. Good content

is the scarce resource. Good cont nt

is what is in demand.

Good stories are in demand (cat

photos too). Talking about your prod-

uct, your features, your company to

a prospect is asking to get the door

slammed in your face.

Why are Infographics in demand?

They visually tell a story. Most stud-

ies I have seen have a summary

infographic. We live in a sound bite

world. You capture attention in 100

characters or less.

Think about billboards. Unless you

are stuck in traffic, you are driving by

at 30 mph. That message has to hit

you fast. Look at your emails. Do they

look like a billboard? Would you send

them to your grandmother?

Where does sales start? Oh, right,

with making friends. Would you text

that stuff you write to your friends?

It is a new era. It is the time of the

flipped funnel. We live in a connection

economy that lends itself to sharing

good stories. Create a couple of good

stories and share them. When these

stories resonate with prospects they

will become friends, partners and sell

your stuff.

In the words of Susan Sontag, “Do

stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting

for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss

on your forehead. Pay attention. It’s all

about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects

you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager.”

Peter Radizeski, President of RAD-INFO INC, started

as a VAR, then became an agent. He now writes about the

channel and the telecom space while consulting to service

providers and occasionally still selling some circuits.


May - June 2016


